You can pay fees for your eBuild project online using either Visa or MasterCard.
Any unpaid fees for your project will be flagged as an
Action Item.
To pay fees online:
- Log in to your eBuild account.
- Click the Fees button for the project.
- Review the fees and select fees for payment.
- Click the Pay Online button.
- Enter your payment information and click Continue.
- Verify the payment information and click Make Payment.
If you prefer to pay by check, you can either mail or bring the check to:
City of Eugene
99 West 10th Avenue
Eugene OR 97401
Fees for your project can be paid at the following points:
- Plan Check Fees
Your plan check fees can be paid at any point after your application has been accepted for review.
- Permit Fees
After your application has been approved, you must pay all outstanding permit fees.
Once all the fees have been paid and the contractors for your project have been identified,
your permits will be issued and you will be sent a link to your approved plans.
- Post-issuance Fees
Deferred submittals or changes to your project after your permit has been issued will result in additional fees.
Outstanding fees must be paid in full by permit type. For example, all outstanding fees for a fire permit must be
paid in full can cannot be partially paid.
If System Development Charges apply to your project, you can elect to pay them in installments. To use this option,
call us at 541-682-5505.